Monday, October 1, 2012

Who let the dogs out?

The Ladybugs have been very interested in dogs. I asked the children what they wanted to learn about dogs and they decided they wanted to know more about how to take care of dogs when they are sick, what dogs look like, what they eat, what we can do with our dogs, what kind of dogs are there, what are the names of our dogs and how to take care of the dogs. After we added several books about dogs to our library the children began to notice that dogs can be big, small, short, tall, long and even "ginormous." They also found that dogs are a lot like us. They have 1 head, 2 eyes, 1 nose, 1 mouth, teeth, a tongue, 2 ears and 1 body.
This is a picture of the dog body parts we labeled on our Smart Board.
During this activity the children noticed a collar. We talked about why you need a collar and they decided it was for talking walks. The next day we added doggy stuff to our dramatic play area. You can see the children really enjoyed using these things.

His dog is ready for a walk
Taking his dog for a walk, "at park."

After we read a book about veterinarians, or "animal doctors," several children enjoyed playing "vet" in dramatic play area. They used dog puppets and the doctor tools to check temperatures, give shots, and listen for heart beats. Some children used paper money and the cash register to pay the vet. We had to pay $1 for a shot!
Taking the dogs temperature
Checking the for a heart beat with the stethoscope.
This vet checks for the dogs heart beat.
Besides walking our dogs, another activity we like to do it play frisbee. The children found a frisbee and gave it a try on our play ground. Some of them use the frisbee to play catch other used it to play fetch.
One child throwing the frisbee to others.
Stay tuned for more doggy fun from Ladybug Lane!

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